Excerpt from Altars by Twilightgirl
Autumn Equinox/Samhain 2008  issue

Excited about setting up your altar but confused how to do it? Then read on...

Altars come in a variety of shapes and sizes, some traditional in their set up and others more free spirited. Altars can be a permanent or temporary fixture such as for a celebration or ritual. One thing to keep in mind is that there isn't a right or wrong way to have your altar.

When you set up an altar you are creating a sacred space within your home that connects you to the divine within and around you. Your altar will be an expression of yourself and a focal point for your spiritual work. If space is limited you can set up a temporary altar that you bring out for the occasion you need it, or you can have a simple altar that is out of the way or inconspicuous, such as on a windowsill, a shelf, in a drawer!

Altars can be simple or elaborate. A lot of how your altar looks will depend on your personal taste and what feels right for you. Learn to listen to your inner voice and this will guide you with the placement of your altar and altar items. You don't have to buy expensive equipment to grace your altar either, you can use whatever is meaningful to you, whether it is found in nature, bought or something you've made. Not only does having an altar create scared space in your home, it can be a place where you sit and mediate, perform magic, divination, or celebrate the Wheel of the Year. You can also have an outdoor altar if you choose to or several altars at various locations such as an office altar on your desk.

What you use for an altar can vary from a small table, cabinet top, kitchen worktop, desk, bookcase, dinner tray etc. But if you live somewhere that makes it impossible for you to have an altar set up permanently, you can spread your altar items around, such as grouping items on shelves, in corners, windowsills, on coffee tables etc. Just about any niche in your home could be used to hold items for your altar. It's always good to remember that it's your intention that is most important when choosing items for your altar, not how expensive or large they are or where they are placed.

If you are going to have an altar that represents the Wheel of the Year, there are many websites online or books that show the correspondences for the Sabbats.

Your altar doesn't have to be static in its contents; in fact having a static altar couldn't be worse. Your altar will grow and change as you do. Don't be afraid to remove an item from your altar if it no longer has any meaning to you. You will probably find that the altar energy will start to reflect your life. If your altar is cluttered, unloved and dusty, you'll find your life reflects this, where as if your altar is tidy, clean and loved then your life will be.

A question that troubles many a beginner is placement of your altar. Every book you read, every website you visit, will more than likely tell you a different placement for your altar and the items on it. It's no wonder there is confusion! But as mentioned earlier, there isn't a right or wrong way. If you are still unsure as to the placement of your altar ask yourself the following questions.

1. What do I plan to use my altar for, and how big/small do I really need it?
2. Do I want to keep my altar private or am I happy for others to see it?
3. Do I feel a spiritual connection to the altar in this area and is it pleasant to look at?
4. Is this area where I want to place the altar safe enough to leave candles burning? (if it isn't and you still feel this area is the best location you could always use flameless candles).
5. Is this area safe from the reach of the tiny inquisitive hands of children and pets and will the area withstand being knocked accidentally?

You can also move your altar around. Don't think to yourself that once you have set it up in one particular place or direction that it has to stay there. You could move it around to various locations in the room every Sabbat if you wanted to. From personal experience I know my altar only feels comfortable to me if it is facing either East or West. North sometimes feels okay but South to me really doesn't feel comfortable, yet I couldn't give you a reason why this is!

To read the full article download Autumn Equinox / Samhain 2008 issue