Excerpt from Animal Totems by Twilightgirl
Yule 2008 / Imbolc 2009 issue

Those with Weasel as a totem are able to fathom what is really going on and are good at keeping secrets. You  will see what is beneath the surface of a situation and quickly assess everything. Because of this skill you are usually able to get out of tight fixes when they occur. Although Weasel has vast amounts of energy, you may find yourself a bit of a loner. Many people may dismiss you at first glance but once they see you in action with your intelligence and ingenuity they soon change their minds. With Weasel as a totem if anyone gets on the wrong side of you they will know about it as those with Weasel by their side know how to hit where it hurts and some of their verbal arguments can be most hurtful and damaging.

Weasels tend to live on a mainly carnivorous diet, so you may need to watch that your own diet stays healthy and balanced instead of eating lots of meat.

If you find Tiger walking besides you be prepared for changes and new adventures. Although the tiger can be a fierce and loyal spirit when protecting its family or territory, tiger can also be a solitary spirit, liking its own space. Being a free spirit full of energy and enthusiasm you will love to travel and seek out adventures and experiences. Tiger symbolizes courage and strength and you may find some people are intimidated by your intensity.

Those with Tiger as a totem may find they have a gift for psychometry. You may find that you are able to express great control but may also find yourself being over sensitive and emotional to comments and situations. Learn to take a deep breath and slow down. Think carefully about the situation or options before rushing into any decisions based on your emotions. Tigers tend to jump in and take what they want regardless of the consequences.

Tigers love to swim and you may find yourself drawn to water where you can relax and feel at peace. You may also be very sensual and enjoy physical touch such as massage.

Tigers tend to hunt nocturnally so you may feel an affinity with the night and moon. You may have a particulary strong intuition and excellent sense of timing. You may feel most alive during the evenings.