Excerpt from Animal Totems by Twilightgirl
Ostara / Beltane 2009 Issue

Flamingo, that great pink bird, what in the world does it mean if you have a Flamingo as a totem? Well, let me tell you that the bright pink colouring of a Flamingo comes from the food it eats which contains carotene. Without this the flamingo would have boring white feathers. But because of the ability to change colour, those with Flamingo as a totem are said to be able to appear as they are not. They can slip in and out of situations unnoticed if they choose to. This is very useful as those with Flamingo as a totem hate loud, chaotic situations and will often wish to disappear into the background. They may also have the ability to shapeshift.

Flamingo will also help you get in touch with your emotions, if you are bottling things up, Flamingo helps you release the emotions and come into balance again. Flamingo can also help you learn how to discard the things you no longer need or benefit from. Being able to see things clearly, Flamingos are often said to bring psychic powers as a totem, however if you do learn to develop psychic powers 
remember not to rely on them solely!

Those with Flamingo as a totem will prefer to live surrounded by groups of people and friends. They rarely like to be alone, as they feel safe and secure within a group environment. Flirtatious they may 
also be, but they are also loyal to their partners.

If the Ram/Sheep has appeared as your totem, it's time to assert yourself in new areas and have confidence in your abilities to do whatever is necessary. The Ram/Sheep reminds you that opportunities are everywhere and that if you trust in your abilities you will land on your feet. You have strength and perseverance to go all the way. Ram/sheep may also be asking you to stay balanced as you leap and climb up the ladder of life, especially if any of the situations are precarious, but have courage and stay balanced.

Ram/Sheep may also be there to ask you whether you are actually acting on your ideas or just talking about them.

Those with Ram/Sheep as a totem also have a curious and active imagination. Their minds are agile and constantly searching for new information that will benefit them and their community. Community plays a big part in those with Ram/Sheep as a totem. They seek comfort in large groups and will like to be seen as the warrior of the group and come to their defence should someone attack.

To read the full article download Ostara / Beltane 2009 issue