Excerpt from Animal Totems by Twilightgirl
Autumn Equinox/Samhain 2008  issue
The Frog

Frogs and water, the two are never far away from each other, so it makes sense that frog represents cleansing, not only of our physical bodies, but also our minds, emotions and environment. If you find yourself holding onto your emotions, especially negative ones or emotions that are no longer useful, frog is the totem to turn to in order to help cleanse yourself of them. Often tears are a good cleansing tool for our emotions or standing under a shower or in a good downpour of rain and allowing any negativity to wash away from you. With frog by your side he might be reminding you not to become swamped by others' emotions or situations. Learn to let their emotions or situations wash over and away from you so you don't become bogged down with them, that way you will be able to help deal with them more clearly. Learning psychic cleansing is another very useful tool for those into whose lives frog has hopped.

Frog often represents transformation and regeneration due to living a life cycle in two stages, from egg to tadpole and then developing into a frog. Frogs are also seen as a symbol of fertility due to the tadpole shape resembling a spermatozoa. Because they live two life cycles frog totems, when they appear, are often regarded as a new start in life or a time of healing and growth.

Because frogs live both in and out of the water, they are linked to two elements, water and earth. Not only do those with frog totems often have the ability to cleanse themselves and those around them but they also have the ability to bring about growth, whether this is through releasing new ideas and dreams using the creative process or bringing out physical growth. Frogs possess sharp eyes on each side of their head enabling them to see in almost all directions. There isn't much that can get past a frog or you if you have frog as a totem. You are able to see what is going on around you and may even show clairvoyant abilities.

Frogs have a very complex language ranging from ribbets to croaks. Often those with a frog totem are good at learning other languages or working with people who have learning disabilities.

There is a lot of mythology surrounding frogs and they have been used in various cultures for making medicine and potions. Some American Indian cultures believed that Frog called down and controlled the rains. In many cultures frog was revered as a symbol of sexual awakening, fertility and abundance.

The Squirrel

Squirrel is the boy scout of the animal world - Always be prepared!

Squirrels always seem to be busy, scurrying from one place to the next, gathering nuts and seeds in preparation for winter. Squirrel's behaviour asks if you are so busy rushing around that you have ignored preparing for a rainy day. Do you need to take time to slow down and look at your life and see what you have planned for the future? By being prepared you can alleviate a lot of life's stresses.

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